Everyone has pipe dreams. Dreams you know you’ll never pursue but still keep on the backburner, dreams that get you through your soul-crushingly dull 9-to-5; dreams like leaving everything behind and becoming a breakdancer, for instance.


Madi Hart took to TikTok to share the trauma she endured after her dad abandoned his family — a wife and four children — to pursue his dream of amateur breakdancing. She adds, “And he got really good,” to the point that he blew up, becoming the oldest actively competitive breakdancer in the world and appearing on talk shows and in the news.

As videos of her dad breakdancing play in the background, Madi explains, “This guy wouldn’t pay my medical bills.” I have to assume that even if you’re decent and somewhat famous, breakdancing doesn’t pay very well. She adds that there was no split-custody agreement, “he just left four kids to do that!” He did, though, give her some free merchandise, which definitely makes up for the abandonment.

All of this raises the question: If your dad is going to abandon you to pursue his passion, does it hurt less if he turns out to be really good at it? Watching him breakdance, Madi says, “The worst part? Dammit he’s good! He should not be able to move his body like that!”

Per Madi’s request, plenty of people in the comments shared their own stories of “funny trauma,” including Selling Sunset’s Crishell Strause, who wrote, “I had to be my mom’s boss at Dairy Queen when I was 17 and had to fire her for smoking while working the drive-thru.”

Other tales of funny trauma include one girl who was sent to equestrian therapy by a judge after her dad went to prison, making her a “court-ordered horse girl,” and another whose dad pulled a similar stunt to Madi’s, abandoning his wife and child to become a rock star and actually succeeding somewhat, even opening for Jimmy Page and Robert Plant.

Before you think that being a deadbeat dad is the key to chasing your dreams, several commenters pointed out that there was really no need for Madi’s dad to abandon his entire family in order to pursue breakdancing. One commenter joked that they were probably holding him back, which is undoubtedly how he justified leaving to himself.

Unfortunately, as a result of his familial abandonment, no matter how many competitions he wins, he’ll always be a loser.