President Joe Biden did more than offer his support for the families impacted by last week's deadly Maui wildfires, accidentally appearing to confirm the theory that the whole disaster was by design, catalyzed with a ton of space lasers, according to internet conspiracy theorists.


While recovery efforts continue on the singed island, Biden headed to Twitter on Monday to outline several forms of government aid offered to survivors, using a very odd choice of words while explaining one initiative.

“As residents of Hawai'i mourn the loss of life and devastation taking place across their beautiful home, we mourn with them,” he wrote. “Like I've said, not only our prayers are with those impacted – but every asset we have will be available to them.”

One of these assets, he explained, included giving victims a one-time $700 payment as they grappled with the aftermath of the natural disaster.

“We're laser-focused on getting aid to survivors,” he wrote, before elaborating the “registration process.”

Though it seems unlikely that 46 actually meant anything by the phrase — he’s an 80-year-old man who once got lost on a stage, for f**** sake — several weren’t convinced, speculating on the alleged hidden meanings behind his words.

“Talk about the words #JoeBiden chose to use: ‘We are #Laser-focused…,’” observed @RdeSuiza alongside several hashtags relating to direct energy weapons, which some conspiracy theorists say cause the tragedy.

“‘Laser-Focused’…? Interesting choice of words when everyone is talking about DEWs,” commented @WallStreetApes. “I don’t believe in coincidences, do you?”

“Laser-focused’ probably isn’t the best term to use when commenting on the Maui apocalypse,” commented @JJ7854.

“Did he seriously just say ‘laser focused?’” asked @MattAttack009_.  “They’re mocking you.”

We can only hope Biden will begin pointing his laser-like precision toward the wording of his statements … and giving impacted families an amount of money that can buy more than (1) pup tent.