If you looked up the word “smug” in the dictionary and found a picture of Bill Maher — well, you’d be surprised as that’s not how dictionaries work, but it would make sense.


Much like many other comedians of his era, Maher has gone from making politically edgy jokes to simply complaining about “kids these days” in a tone that I’m sure he considers vaguely humorous. For these “jokes,” he has his own platform called Real Time with Bill Maher, a show that features just as many quips about being “triggered” and “needing a safe space” as you might imagine.

But this show was not enough for Maher. Two years ago, he announced the launch of Club Random, a podcast where he “interviews” celebrities as an excuse to get in more of his talking points. However, sometimes these interviews go off the rails. By which I mean, sometimes Maher wants to fuck the guest. Case in point: His recent conversation with Bella Thorne.

This clip is a disaster. Maher tries and fails to land a few jokes, starts to take positions only to immediately backtrack and attempts to carry on the conversation while slurring his words, all while his less-than-subtle attempts of flirting are not reciprocated in the slightest.

I will not subject myself to the entire episode, but apparently it eventually devolved into Maher complaining about how kids these days have too much anxiety and that they “don’t know what the fuck is going on in the world,” a conversation spurred after Thorne said that she started smoking weed to deal with her own anxiety. The problem is that Thorne later said that her anxiety didn’t come as a result of being young, but being molested and losing her dad when she was eight years old. Swing and a miss, Bill!

Next time, Bill, keep it in your pants.