The internet is full of unorthodox methods for doing everyday tasks. Need to reheat some leftovers? Simply head over to the bathtub and, would you look at that, we’re having spare ribs for dinner! Trying to crack open a few cold ones? Just grab any household object and get to work!


However, some tasks require the big guns. Take, for example, this man who decided to cut down a tree using not an ax or a saw like a normal person, but a slingshot.

The video, which was originally posted to TikToker @slingshotclub1, shows a man brandishing a slingshot before identifying his target tree. In a flash, he sets off, firing metal ball after metal ball into the trunk to begin what would surely be the world’s slowest logging operation.

Quickly, the tree shows signs of weakness — and after the tree’s almost completely worn through, the man gears up to deliver the kill shot, driving a metal ball directly into its core and vanquishing his arboreal foe.

Sure, it’s not the cleanest cut in the world — a close-up of the cleaved portion reveals that it’s rough and full of metal  — but who cares? This isn’t about practicality; this is a display of craft, power, and likely, intense boredom.

On Reddit, users made jokes about the circumstances leading up to this video. “The amount of free time and weed needed,” wrote one user. “Unemployed friend on a Monday morning,” added another. “Some poor dude 100 yards behind that tree is submitting an insurance claim for hail damage in summer,” offered a third.

If you need a tree cut down, you know who to call — someone with actual tools. But if you want to see someone accomplish something incredible and then pick up about 600 metal spheres from around your yard, this TikToker is your guy.