When it comes to nicotine, there’s nothing more convenient than an e-cig. Discrete, fast, portable, leaving no scent, and even viable indoors. It sounds like the perfect option, whether you’re trying to quit cigarettes with something slightly less odorous or just need that quick nic fix.


Where’s the downside? I mean, besides cancer and lung disease, I can’t think of any that raise any eyebrows. But how about one that singes them off? Unlike the common cigarette, vapes have seriously explosive potential. A simple Google search reveals numerous accounts of vapes going haywire and spewing sparks and smoke everywhere. Not so shocking, but relying on such a vice can quite literally blow up in your face like it did for this unlucky bastard. 

Carrying around these lithium batteries is like going about your day with a pocket full of C4. Add another point to the ‘pros’ list – entertaining the internet. Enjoy these hilariously explosive clips of vapes combusting. Maybe next time you’ll think twice before reaching for that nic device.