Though vape masters may have their tricks to landing massive clouds — fully exhaling, leaning forward, wearing a cringe, tie dye snapback (probably) — a vape shop in Michigan discovered a new way to create huge plumes of smoke: Blowing up their building.


Goo and Select Distributors in Clinton Township found itself ironically reduced to smoke and ash on Tuesday evening after several illegally stored canisters of butane, lighter fluid, and canisters among other items detonated. While authorities are still investigating what, exactly, lit the store ablaze, whatever it was did one hell of a job, the sound of the explosion resonating for roughly eight miles as debris flew throughout the surrounding areas. One particularly ill-coursed canister even killed a 19-year-old man roughly a quarter mile away from the explosion.

The debris was so bad that firefighters couldn’t instantly grab their hoses upon arriving at the scene, the fire-spitting chunks of metal.

“There was no way we could put people in harm’s way like that,” Fire Chief Tim Duncan told The Independent of the ordeal. One firefighter was ultimately hurt in the ordeal.

So take it from this very crispy depot: There is very much such a thing as your smoke being too tough.