There has been a long-running tradition around the country of zoos naming animals after exes, and most animals chosen are not the cute and cuddly kind. Some zoos will even name the toys and food the bigger animals play with after exes. It's just a way to bring a smile to a lonely person on a day dedicated to people in love. These are just a few of the zoos that offer a campaign to name critters after your ex.


Bronx Zoo's Name a Roach

This zoo is continuing its eleven-year tradition of allowing guests to name Madagascar hissing cockroaches after their ex for a $15 donation. While the naming doesn't have to be only exes, the zoo says the donator will be notified when their cockroach is named.

This zoo goes even further and says donators can add an extra roach hat, socks, and even a virtual date with your roach.

Brookfield Zoo's Name A Cockroach After Your Ex: Unhappy Valentines Day

For a $15 donation, the Brookfield Zoo will name a cockroach after your ex, or anyone, and post it on their social media page all the way up until February 14th. A donation also gets a photo of the named cockroach on the Naming Board outside the Hamill Family Play Zoo on Valentine's Day.

Lehigh Valley Zoo's Bug Off

This zoo in Lehigh, Pennsylvania will allow donators of $5 or more a chance to name a cricket after their ex, or someone who broke their heart and watch them be fed to animals at the zoo. A video of the feeding will be posted to the zoo's social media account every week leading up to Valentine's Day.

San Antonio Zoo's Cry Me a Roach Fundraiser

Similar to the others, this zoo allows donators to name a cockroach for $10 or a farm-frozen rat for a $25 donation and watch videos each week of their donation being fed to different animals around the zoo. Participants get a specialized certificate showing that they were part of the zoo's fundraiser. Fifty select participants will receive a personalized video sent to them on Valentine's day.

All donations go to the zoo's conservation efforts and help fund new ways to protect and preserve the animal's native homelands. This is just a fun way to get some closure on your relationship and help preserve wildlife around the world.