What can brown do for you? How about slam it deep into left field?


In this video, we see some kids have gathered for a friendly game of baseball. However, once the UPS man steps up to the plate, the game is friendly no more — this man is on a mission to show these kids who’s boss (and just how sport-ready those short shorts can be).

As we can see in the video, with one crack of the bat, he sends the ball wailing into left field, never to be seen again. He doesn’t even consider running the bases — instead, he just starts high-fiving the teens around him, who congratulate our man in brown on a job well done.

Sure, hitting a homer after a 13-year-old throws you a marshmallow isn’t the hardest thing in the world, but kudos to this UPS worker for giving it his all. You wouldn’t see that shit from a FedExer.