The rise of the McMansion has led to some weird design choices. As Kate Wagner has documented in her blog McMansion Hell, the need to go bigger (and cheaper) has led to plastic-clad homes with unnecessary columns, bizarre mishmashes of architectural styles, and lots and lots of awkwardly-placed hot tubs.


One of the more strange aspects of this phenomenon is the proliferation of foyer landings that can’t be accessed. It’s a little difficult to explain, so I’ll let this post from a real estate dude complaining about it do all the talking:

See? What the hell are you supposed to use this thing for? Well, X/Twitter users had some ideas.

To start, some went militaristic:

Others saw it as the ideal location for a retail destination:

Naturally, the conversation also moved to video games…

…and K-Pop:

A few more people got abstract with it:

And finally, one user said the space is the perfect perch to call out the homeowner for their terrible taste:

The point is: You can’t let this space go unused. I say throw a popcorn machine up there and a couple bean bags to have one of the world’s most inconvenient hangout spots. Just don’t let anybody fall off the side.