Well, 2021 is certainly starting off big with some major headlines, including the apparently imminent divorce by one of Hollywood's most recognizable couples: Kim Kardashian and Kanye West


I know, it's crazy. If anyone had what it takes to go the distance, surely it was these two narcissists who are motivated almost exclusively by the drive to create a spectacle. That's the key to a happy marriage, right?

According to some online reporters, this breakup has been brewing for quite some time and Kanye has spent the last few months almost exclusively in his Wyoming estate, only making the briefest appearance for Kim's lavish birthday celebrations last year. 

It's also been reported that some of the contentions between the couple stem from Kim's desire to be taken more seriously, as she's been getting heavily involved in the prison reform movement. She's also revealed that she wants to walk in her late father's footsteps and become a lawyer.

Kanye's many public missteps and embarrassing rants in recent years, combined with his hilariously bad Presidential campaign, were definitely not the image Kim was going for and forced her to make a public statement about his mental health. 

The one positive that many people are noting about the whole situation is that some of Kanye's best work definitely came in the pre-Kim era, so we may get some great music out of this at least.

It should be noted, however, that this news still hasn't been confirmed by either party yet, and is still mostly just online speculation. Some people are theorizing that this is yet another ploy for one of pop culture's most opportunistic families to drum up some free headlines.

To add even more fuel to the gossip fire, a LOT of people are also spreading the (still-unsubstantiated) rumor that another contributing factor for the divorce was that Kanye got caught hooking up with YouTuber/makeup artist Jeffree Star

If the news of the divorce IS actually true, we're pretty sure we know the state of Kim's DMs right now: 

I guess that leaves us with just one burning question: