One guy out on the streets of Melbourne Australia decided that the roads were his as he strolled down the middle of the road with a car trailing slowly behind him honking its horn in a plea for him to get out of the way.


Was this guy drunk? Or was he just one of those entitled guys with absolutely no regard for their safety? Maybe it’s a perfect mix of both.

Guy blocking traffic learns his lesson at the end
byu/carefreenegligence inImTheMainCharacter

The man on the road pays no mind to the car horns and keeps walking at his leisurely pace. That is until another guy from the sidewalk tackles the man on the road and gets him out of the driver's way. It’s perfect schadenfruede.

“Get the f*** off the road! Have some f—ing respect,” yells the tackler to the traffic blocker. He pushes him onto the sidewalk and the trapped car is free to drive away.

So let this be a lesson in obeying the rules of the road, lest you be football tackled – excuse us – rugby tackled out of the way.