Slime is a trend that comes and goes on TikTok. In case you’re not familiar, TikTokers have spent the past few years making slime, which typically involves mixing glue with baking soda and a few other ingredients until you’ve made the stretchy stuff.
Unfortunately, rather than be normal about this, TikTokers have opted to make slime in the strangest and dumbest of places. Numerous TikTokers documented themselves making slime in their car cup holders, and now, there’s a new place they’re opting to create the goop: their floor.
Rather than use, I don’t know, a bowl, some TikTokers have taken to dumping glue all over the laminate, then making the slime on the ground, using the final mixture to pick up all the various bits they’ve left on the floor during the process. Would it be better to do this in an area that isn’t covered in dirt and dog hair? Of course, but that wouldn’t be great content now, would it?
This isn’t even mentioning what one is supposed to do with a “gallon of butter slime” after they’ve created it. While some say that this slime is good for cleaning things, you have to think that if the state of your apartment is so severe that you need a gallon of slime to fix it, you’ve probably got some other problems going on in your life.
In short, if you’re going to make slime, do it in a container like a normal person. At least then it won’t be filled with cereal crumbs and lint.