There’s nothing like a little DIY to make a house feel like a home. Maybe you throw a shelf up on the wall so you have a place to put all of the books you’re pretending to read; maybe you decide to build a deck so you can be mocked by the internet.


Or if you’re this TikToker, you decide to dig a mine shaft under your home.

For the past year, Kala (@engineer.everything) has been digging under her home to create a bunker. On her TikTok page, she’s cataloged the entire process of creating this underground layer, from ripping out the rock, to installing a ventilation system, to draining the area, and more.

Is she doing a good job? It’s hard to say. People on the internet love to be critical, so naturally, everyone in the comments is telling her just how badly she’s messed up every step of the process.

However, I’m not an… engineer? Cave digger? Whatever the relevant expert is, I’m not it, so I can’t say whether Kala’s mine shaft will soon have a double use as a burial mound. What I can say is that Kala didn’t appear to get permission to build this, as she revealed in a recent follow-up video.

According to Kala, inspectors came around and asked what she was doing. When she showed them her progress, they told her that she needed to get permits to do all of this, presumably followed by a deafening “duh!” Kala tells viewers that she’s now sorting out permits, so her construction will have to stop for the time being, but she’s confident she’ll be able to begin again soon.

As one user noted under her recap video, “Love this but I think therapy is cheaper.”