TikToker @tooapree_us recently proved that there is such a thing as taking pranks too far, peeving retail employees — and in turn, several fans — after he climbed to the top of a grocery store display and refused to budge.


Despite the retail workers' ongoing pleas — “You can’t be up there, sir,” one said, later reiterating that the display was “not a jungle gym,” — he stayed atop the display for several minutes before climbing down on a ladder.

As the video began making the rounds on social media, several viewers were left with one question, one @tooapree_us likely didn’t anticipate  — as u/scondileeza99 commented on an r/ImTheMainCharacter post, “Why is being a dick so popular now?”

“God these people suck,” wrote u/Pitiful_Limit_3620

“This guy didn’t for a second think of the repercussions or effect his behavior would have on the workers or customers at the store,” wrote u/itsvoogle, pinpointing the entire incident on “lack of empathy.”

“His need for validation is so great that he will do whatever it takes to get it, regardless of what it causes or who it hurts to get it,” they continued.

As these esoteric debates dominated the comments section, others took a more pragmatic approach, offering several possible solutions to preventing these clout-obsessed dingbats from making those sweet, sweet ad dollars.

Alongside the most pragmatic solution of calling the cops, u/SNYDER_BIXBY_OCP

suggested irritated retail workers target the camera person rather than the prankster.

“What would be wise is to shut down the camera person FIRST. Watch those attention whores flip out and cut the act real fast,” they continued, noting they saw this tactic work during a recent trip to the movie theater.

“A manager type person made a beeline for the camera person and ushered them outside,” they recalled, noting that “the person actually causing the issue immediately followed.”

And if calling the cops or targeting the cameraman both failed, u/hoosyourdaddyo pitched calling in the big guns — Disney’s copyright legal team.  

“You want to stop this kind of shit? Put some Disney music on your phone and start blasting it before you confront the morons,” they said. “They will not be able to use the footage at all.”

So take it from @tooapree_us — don’t be a dick to retail employees, lest you piss off all of Reddit.