Researchers have created an image of the world’s most average man — and he looks, you know, fine.


The image comes from National Geographic, which put together all their resources to figure out what the world’s Joe Schmo looks like. As it turns out, this person is “a right-handed Chinese man of the Han ethnic group,” per the Sydney Morning Herald.

This information could be a bit dated, as the project was originally undertaken in 2011, but its findings are still interesting. For example, at that point in time, the “average” person at “earn(ed) less than $12,000 a year and own(ed) a mobile phone but (didn’t) have a bank account.”

Figuring out what this person looks like involved learning such information, then working backwards. National Geographic compiled thousands of photographs of men that fit this description, then combined them into a single image of a very blurry Chinese man.

Their work also theorized that, by 2030, the most average person won’t come from China, but India. So in about six years time, get ready to see a poorly rendered picture of an Indian man!