A mysterious blob-like substance has started appearing on the shores of Canada, and so far, experts have zero clue what these things are.


The unidentified floating objects have been appearing on the beaches of Newfoundland, and residents naturally took to the internet to try and get an answer. A member of the Beachcombers Facebook group shared a photo of one of the blobs, writing that they “are like touton dough and all over the beach.”

“Anyone know what these blobs are?” the person asked. “These were in sizes ranging from dinner plate size right down to a toonie.”

Some speculated that the blobs could be a byproduct of ships dumping stuff into the ocean or whale sperm (not to be confused with sperm whales). But these were just uninformed guesses; nobody had an irrefutable answer.

Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), a government agency, has been tasked with figuring out what these blobs are and where they came from. So far, though, they haven’t done much better than random Facebook group commenters. “To date, ECCC has conducted several aerial, underwater and manual surveys of the beaches and shorelines in the area to determine the extent of the substance, what it is and its potential source,” ECCC spokesperson Samantha Bayard told the press. “At this time, neither the substance nor its source has been identified.”

Bayard said these blobs “could be plant-based,” but reiterated that additional analysis was needed “before a final determination can be made on the substance and its potential impacts.”

Look, the world is a vast and mysterious place. That being said, it’s always weird (and a little uncomfortable) when something shows up that’s totally foreign to humanity. That’s why, at some point, aliens are almost always mentioned and/or theorized about. So how about here? Are the blobs skin that extraterrestrial visitors shed before shape-shifting into humanoids to observe us? Some kind of space poison that will kickstart our doom? Could this be the beginning of a real-life version of The Blob?

Fortunately, these blobs seem completely terrestrial, at least judging by the total lack of response about the blobs from both r/UFOs and r/aliens.

So, until these aliens reveal their secret plan or experts are able to provide answers, your guess is as good as mine when it comes to these peculiar blobbish beings. Speaking of which, my personal guess? I think these blobs are connected to mermaids somehow. Maybe the corpses of fallen mermaids finally reaching shore? Or merman jizz?

Only time will tell…