It’s always a bright day on the internet when people discover a new guy. Whether it’s Polish Drake, the guy who wanted to make a deepfake video of his parents banging or something else entirely, there’s always someone new to discover here on the ol’ internet.


Today, the internet has found its new favorite personality: Stanislav Baretsky.

In this video, Baretsky can be seen yelling at the camera before taking a bite out of a can of beer.

What’s he saying? I asked a few Russian buddies, and they mentioned that he appears to be calling out someone, accusing them of being “nothing without their panties, like this can of beer” — a point he emphasizes by biting into the beer can.

Point made, I guess.

While this guy might be unfamiliar to those outside of Russia, inside the country, he’s a pretty well-known figure. Specifically, he’s well known for getting into fights on TV shows.

As noted by Vice, Baretsky first got his start as a gravedigger before pivoting to music. Since then, he’s more of a personality than anything, speaking out against imports and destroying things he perceives to promote capitalism. For example, he was once filmed destroying iPhones and Samsung tablets in a store apparently because they weren’t made in Russia.

He also bites into a beer can in this video. It’s kind of his thing.

If you like what you see — who wouldn’t? — I strongly recommend giving him an Instagram follow. Agree with him or not, it’s endlessly entertaining to see what kind of antics his giant self gets up to these days.

They really do things differently over there in Russia.