A.I. has caused a lot of previously normal people to lose their minds. Despite the copious issues that still exist with A.I., there are people who see services like ChatGPT as a harbinger of the apocalypse — a sign that we will one day, sooner than we’d like to think, become slaves to the machines (once they stop driving themselves into walls, of course).


There’s no better example of this than Blake Lemoine. For those who are unaware, or whose memory has completely dissolved thanks to TikTok, Lemoine is a dude who was fired from Google after he screamed to the Washington Post that the company’s A.I. had become sentient.

The actual evidence for this is pretty lackluster. Reading the chat logs, it seems less like Lemoine was a trailblazer in the field of A.I. rights and more like he is a dude who pissed himself after talking to SmarterChild. Thankfully, he also seems to be putting the A.I. world behind him. Instead, he’s pivoting to the place all good internet denizens go when they run out of ideas/money: OnlyFans.

In a recent Tweet that, by his own admission, may have been posted on acid and/or during oral copulation, Lemoine says that he’s tired of talking about A.I. sentience. Instead, he wants to focus on his new project: filming women’s faces as he eats them out. “My intention is to shoot artistic videos of womens’ faces while I go down on them,” he writes, adding that “this thread will perpetually be available for discussions of cunnilingus technique!”

In case you were wondering, the thread did *not* become a modern day Kama Sutra. Instead, people reacted with appropriate levels of “Uh… what?”

Lemoine wasn’t deterred by this response. In fact, his sexual fixations (listen, I don’t know what to call this) continued on, resulting in him posting a recipe for what he says will make a great “tantric ritual.”

Either this man is going through something (he did imply he was talking to God), or he’s having the time of his life. If it’s the latter, hey, more power to him — though it’s safe to say I’m not going to be subscribing any time soon.