Rampant protests are sweeping across France in response to French president Emmanuel Macron’s decision to raise the retirement age two years, from 62 to 64. Angry at Macron’s use of the 49:3 clause to push the policy forward without a vote in the National Assembly, French protestors have taken to the streets with unprecedented bi-partisan support, and proven that they are way better at protesting than we Americans.


In an interview with French television, Macron stood by his decision. "This reform isn't a luxury, it's not a pleasure, it's a necessity," he said. "Do you think I enjoy passing this reform? No." France’s pension budget has been drained in recent years, as during Macron’s six years in office, the number of pensioners in France has increased from 10 to 17 million.

Demonstrations have been ongoing for six days, and show few signs of slowing down. Hundreds of people have been arrested, and the chaos has caused mass disruption in garbage pick-up and gas shortages. Macron has issued a temporary ban on protests, a decision many are calling anti-democratic.

Despite the French government’s efforts to clamp down on these protests, the French people are steadfast in their resolve to prevent this change. It is hard to imagine Americans getting this riled up over a two-year bump in the retirement age, which last happened back in 1983 when it was raised from 65 to 67.

But France is king when it comes to protests, and they won’t let Macron forget it. Just listen to these protestors, marching on the site of Louis XVI’s beheading in the last French revolution.