Last week, Tucker Carlson interviewed Larry Sinclair, the man who claimed to have had a crack-smoked-filled one-night stand with former President Barack Obama in the '90s. And one part of the internet is asking if a certain former boy bander is next to share his story.


The internet is filled with conspiracies and hoaxes about notable figures but few are made by their own fans. Back in 2014, the One Direction fandom created a holy ship between Harry Styles and Barack Obama called “Hobama.” 

The Hobama fandom was born after an edited National Examiner cover story alleged the president and One Direction heartthrob were secretly a couple. 

The headline was so utterly ridiculous that of course 1D stans decided to jokingly make edits and write fan fiction dedicated to this secret relationship. The ship, which has been going strong since 2014, has its own HobamaTok, where people make TikTok edits about how the Grammy winner and former leader of the free world struggle to be together. 

The irony is that the National Examiner cover that began the conspiracy ship was actually edited with a photo of Styles in place of Larry Sinclairs. 

We hope Tucker Carlson can open up his schedule for Harry to tell his side of the story.