Though “TikTok Tradwife” Estee Williams’ ‘50s homemaker videos may have sparked widespread debate about gender roles, marriage and whether every questionable internet video must be fetish content (probably, tbh), it seems a new unifying force has arisen from her now-viral TikTok  — disgust at her dense-ass bread.


Since hitting Twitter last week, Williams’s clip championing her TradFem lifestyle managed to irk more than feminists and the people on Twitter who still willingly debate red pill dudebros, pissing off anyone who has even glanced at a bread recipe by flaunting a loaf so horrifically underworked you could chip a tooth just looking at it.  

Garnering comparisons to famously dense things like Granite, styrofoam and retail customers, some Twitter users pondered the bread’s gravitational pull (there are unconfirmed reports of bakers being dragged towards Williams’ Virginia home) while others dared to say the quiet part out loud, questioning how exactly she managed to fuck up bread *that* badly.

“That’s cool and all BUT WHY IS THAT BREAD SO DENSE ????” mused Twitter user @star0arts. “HOW DID SHE EVEN MANAGE THAT????”

So Estee, remember: If being a tradwife for a generic button-up dude fizzles out, you could always take up bricklaying!