If something breaks in your apartment, getting maintenance to fix it is never easy. They may tell you that “it’s fine,” leading to a weeks-long back-and-forth where you have to explain that having a broken window in winter is actually a problem. Sometimes, they don’t respond at all, setting you on a wild goose chase of phone calls and emails until you can get someone to remedy the issue. And sometimes, they just shit in your apartment.


In a post on the subreddit r/mildlyinfuriating, redditor NearbyArrival1155 writes, “I put in a maintenance request to fix my toilet and came home to a massive mystery shit.”

“So the chain that connects the flush handle to the rubber stopper on my toilet has been broken since I moved in back in March… While I was on vacation (a month later) I got an email saying it was fixed. Yay!” he explains. “But what did I come home to?? A still broken toilet and a MASSIVE SHIT IN THE BOWL. It had been there for DAYS and my apartment STUNK!!!”

Naturally, NearbyArrival1155 became upset by this discovery, presumably because his work request didn’t include directions to “please shit in my toilet.” His fellow Redditors, on the other hand, had a field day with his predicament. “Prolly tested to make sure it works and it most certainly was not fixed so the maintenance guy panicked and bolted,” theorized one user.

“Free quality control check. Yours failed,” added another.

“It’s the perfect crime,” noted a third. “If you report it, you could very easily look like you took a shit for the sole purpose of getting a maintenance guy in trouble. All depends on the cut of the guy’s jib. Ball’s in his court now.”

NearbyArrival1155 returned later to say that he was able to flush down the turd. He then posted another update, writing, “I went to the office, the apartment manager was out so I talked to one of the leasing gals. She was trying to hold back laughter as I told her what happened, and said that the maintenance system went down on August 7th and deleted all work orders and sent ‘confirmation email’ to all existing tickets.”

As for who dropped the deuce, the apartment manager did not know. We will eagerly await NearbyArrival1155’s next post on r/mildlyinfuriating: “I still can’t find the guy who shit in my toilet.”