Being a live performer ain’t easy. Taylor Swift knows this well, given that she’s been on her Eras tour for over a year at this point.


Jetting around all over the world, she’s performed her songs to screaming fans from Sao Paulo to Tokyo, which has, in turn, exposed her to a host of different temperatures and climates. This has already been a problem for both her and her audience, as a Brazilian fan died at her Rio de Janeiro show from heat exhaustion.

Now, these climate issues are causing a whole different issue: snot bubbles.

As noted by TMZ, Taylor Swift recently performed in Glasgow, where temperatures reached 8 degrees Celsius, or around 46 Fahrenheit.

Walking around in her Eras costumes given this weather is a pretty big ask, as they don’t really provide a lot of protection from colder temperatures. Nevertheless, she did it — causing her to occasionally wipe mucus on whatever she was wearing.

Incidents like these are a good reminder that celebrities are still, at the end of the day, human. Maybe.