Though water parks may be all about water, one Swedish aquapark decided to add another element into the mix: A metric ton of fire.


On Monday, the Oceana water park connected to Gothenberg’s Liseberg amusement park caught on fire, leaving outdoor water slides blackened, and equipment charred, 16 people “slightly” injured and one missing per AP News.  

While the blaze is under control as of Tuesday morning, a representative for Gothenburg's fire department noted that firefighters will have “to be on the scene for some time” thanks to the water park’s “extensive damage”  and the fact that “some parts of the structure have collapsed.”

But as local authorities attempt to find what caused the inferno, a handful of readers headed to Twitter to share their own theories as to what may have sparked the water park explosion.

“Was the water park unknowingly running gasoline through their slides?” asked “@Nicktacular.

“All the piss in the water caught flame,” theorized @natenumbereight while @AGrumpyScotsman questioned whether construction crews got into the liquor.

“Did they replace the water with vodka or something?” they wrote.

But regardless of whether the builders were enjoying a very early happy hour, @Charles_Conway said it best: That aqua park most definitely “needs way more water.”