Is your wife hungry? Does she have no clue where she wants to eat? Do you live beyond a 30-mile radius of the I Don’t Know Sports Grille in Chester, VA? If so, it appears there may still be hope for your marriage. 


One exasperated hubby headed to TikTok with a glimpse at how he got his wife to call the shots on what they'll have for dinner  — pretending the whole thing is a big surprise.

“You might be asking, what do you do when your wife can never pick where she wants to eat out,” he began his now-viral clip, zooming into his wife during his bizarre choice of words. “The answer is simple: Every time you go out, tell her ‘it's a surprise’ and she’ll always want to go there.”

Despite the trick’s apparent effectiveness, his S.O. was less-than-thrilled upon learning of his scheme, giving him a resounding — and pretty damn warranted — what the f—k.

“Do you actually do that?” she asked.

“Do I?” he fired back, before slowly walking away, tapping his temple.

But regardless of whether or not he employed this scheme — or hell, even if it worked — there is always another foolproof way to ensure dinner harmony between you and your spouse: Not deferring to your spouse for every single mealtime decision.