The internet has seen a lot of characters come and go over the years. However, throughout the internet’s history, there’s been one man who’s held in a rarefied place in the hearts of many: the succulent Chinese meal guy.


Who can say why an internet video goes viral, but there are just so many things to enjoy about this video. The man’s voice, the repeated insistence that one of the cops is grabbing his Johnson, and, of course, the simple elegance of the phrase “succulent Chinese meal” — it’s a perfect package that leaves a lot more questions than answers.

The man’s identity wasn’t revealed until 2020, at which point the world learned his name was Jack Karlson. We also learned a bit more about what happened that led up to this: the video was filmed after he was allegedly caught using a stolen credit card, a claim he denies to this day.

While we may never know whether he was really using a stolen credit card, everyone involved in the arrest seems pretty content with their current lives. In fact, as a recent post on Reddit revealed, Karlson and one of his arrestors are now pretty chill.

A friend’s dad was one of the coppers in the Democracy Manifest video and posted this today
byu/SpadfaTurds inaustralia

We don’t know what they got up to at this meeting, but I’m personally hoping they ordered a succulent Chinese meal, just for old times’ sake. But let’s be honest — given that they’re all Aussies, they probably just drank 30 to 40 beers.

“To this day, we can’t choose Chinese for dinner without that voice,” wrote a user in comments. “Was he the one who had him by the penis?” asked another. “This is democracy dadifest,” declared a third.