When three seniors at Callisburg high school in Huston Texas noticed that their 80-year-old janitor Mr. James had returned to work after his retirement, they knew they needed to do something to help him. "It's just so sad seeing an 80-year-old man having to do things an 80-year-old shouldn't have to do," said Banner Tidwell speaking to KXII news.


Mr. James was forced out of his retirement and back to work because of a rent increase, and the rising cost of living. But then one of the students, Greyson Thurman, realized he could do something to make a difference. "I have 2 thousand followers and that was enough to get the word out," he said. Following the release of the video, the students started a GoFundMe called "Getting Mr. James out of this school." After twelve hours, the page had raised $10,000. Now, the page has surpassed its goal of $200,000 and closed down.

As touching as this story is, it's a shame that it took the kindness and ingenuity of three high schoolers to overcome this country's failure to properly take care of its seniors. Thankfully, Mr. James can now enjoy his retirement in full.