It might be time for nature to do its' thing for one German Zoo. The Neumünster Zoo is running very low on funds and can't afford to keep feeding its' animals appropriately.
The Neumünster Zoo Germany, says they will “euthanize animals, rather than let them starve,” projecting that the business could lose almost $200,000 this spring.
— Xpose Trophy Hunting (@XposeTrophyHunt) April 15, 2020
Now that the Neumünster Zoo is no longer generating revenue from visitors due to the national shutdown enacted on March 15, the zoo is currently operating solely through donations (CNN)
If you're curious about which animal would be saved to the end, it would be the 12-foot polar bear named 'Vitus', pictured here:
Info was not available on which of the 700 animals would be slaughtered first and which would be saved, but one can guess that they'd work it out as a food web just like we all did in 3rd grade or whatever.
This makes me question if zoos should even exist in the first place. Let nature be. I wonder if they'll live stream the feedings!