We’ve all had a food delivery order go wrong. However, for most of us, the resolution can only come after hours of complaining to customer service or shamelessly pestering the company on Twitter until they refund you your $12.


However, Snoop Dogg isn’t like most of us. When his Uber Eats order goes wrong, he’s got a platform to do something about it. Unfortunately, that also involves making one dude’s life a living hell.

In a video posted to Instagram, Snoop complained that his Uber Eats driver had trouble and trepidation delivering his order as it was not a “safe place.” In short, Snoop was having none of that explanation. “Motherfucker from fuckin’ Uber Eats didn’t bring my fuckin’ food,” Snoop says in the clip posted to his Instagram. “Talking about ‘he arrived.’ ‘This is not a safe place.’ Punk motherfucker — where my food at n***a? You got all my goddamn money, punk.”

Soon after, the driver, whose photo, first name and license plate number was exposed in the video, took his story to the media, saying that this massive exposure could be bad for his business. “It’s my picture there, and also, there’s my first name,” the driver said. “After I saw the video, I’m kind of like — I have high anxiety, and I fear for my family’s safety. I contacted the customer many times, and I followed the protocol by the book.”

Frustratingly for him, Uber Eats later posted about the incident on social media — apologizing not to him, but to Snoop Dogg. “We truly regret Snoop Dogg’s frustrating experience. We have reached to apologize and refunded him for the order,” the company said, per Complex.

When this happened, the driver claimed he was considering a lawsuit, though that doesn’t seem to have happened. Snoop has since deleted the video, so hopefully everything’s alright with both parties — and Snoop’s learned that someone of his stature can probably just contact the company instead of doxxing a random dude potentially making less than minimum wage.