Meeting potential romantic partners can be tough, especially if you’d rather do so in person and not on an app. Coffee shop meet cutes are a common fictional trope, but how often in real life do you accidentally spill your coffee onto someone’s shirt only for them to look up, lock eyes with you and instantly fall head over heels?


As one woman on TikTok discovered, coffee shops might not be the pick-up spot they’re presented as in movies. Placing an order at a Starbucks, Rosette Luve gave her name as “Single and Available,” forcing the barista to announce that she had a drink ready for “Single and Available” to the whole coffee shop. Luve responded excitedly with, “That’s me! That’s me! I’m single and available! I’m single and available if anyone wants to know. You can stop me if you want.”

The men in the Starbucks don’t look impressed or even remotely engaged. One guy is staring at his phone while another older gentleman is drinking his coffee, as one does at Starbucks. Another older man shouts some unintelligible words of support, but the younger men she continues to pan the camera over to steadfastly refuse to engage.

A commenter suggested that her choice of venue was off: “All the straight guys are at Dunkin’ not Starbucks.” Others got severe secondhand embarrassment from her stunt, calling it the “least attractive thing someone can do.”

Ultimately, women are in a no-win situation. When they’re perceived as being desperate for love, they’re dismissed as pathetic, and when they make fun of that desperation like Luve did in that video, they’re still dismissed as pathetic.

Maybe then Luve should have told the barista that her name was “Can’t Win.”