Vaping is controversial, mainly because we still haven’t figured out the whole “where are you allowed to do it” thing.


Yes, it does give people a similar nicotine hit to cigarettes, and yes, it does produce a cloud when you exhale — but that cloud, crucially, is vapor, not cigarette smoke. That means that you can do it inside and not directly risk burning your house down or staining your white walls orange.

As a result, many people think it’s perfectly okay to vape inside. Businesses, on the other hand, do not like indoor vapers, citing smell, unknown chemicals and general annoyance as reasons for preventing people from vaping in their establishments.

But some people don’t listen to these requests, like actor Sean Bean, who was allegedly kicked out of a bar earlier this week after he wouldn’t stop vaping inside.

According to the Mirror, “It’s claimed Sean was sitting at a bar booth when he ‘took a drag’ from his electronic smoking device before being manhandled by staff and ‘dragged’ outside into the street.”

“When the bouncer went over to him, I thought it was for a photo, but actually he was asking Sean to stop vaping in the bar,” an observer told the Daily Mail. “Sean kept saying he could do what he wanted. To be honest he was being a right arsehole.”

“When he came back in he just started vaping again. They asked him to leave, but he wouldn’t. He was just clinging onto his chair,” the observer continued. “I was so shocked by the fight I couldn’t move — my jaw just hit the floor.”

Okay, buddy, calm down.

Bean was eventually fully removed from the bar, whereupon he probably continued angrily hitting his vape outside. Arsehole move or not, it proves he is really a man of the people.