Lillian Droniak, better known as Grandma Droniak, has gained an insane 5 million followers on TikTok at 92 years young. Granny’s first viral vid had her laying out the rules for her funeral, which concludes with “Get drunk afterward”. The rest of Lillian’s content mainly consists of roasting her long-dead high school classmates, shamelessly bragging about her fame, and assuring us she doesn’t have Alzheimer's. That’s always good news to remember. 


She’s also single, since her husband John passed years ago, and she’s made it clear she’s not looking to get cuffed again anytime soon. She is basking in the glory of the bachelorette lifestyle. Lillian uses her virality to support the No Kid Hungry charity and sells dope merch here. Some posts feature her grandson, Kevin Droniak, who’s also a pretty popular online influencer. 

Grandma Droniak serves as a reminder that life can be long and beautiful, and it’s never too late to make it big.