Things get a little crazy over in Russia. From arresting people trying to see their girlfriend, to duct taping airline passengers to their seats, to all those who keep dying in suspiciously clumsy of ways, there’s a reason why Russia has the reputation that it currently does.


Russian prisons, of course, share this notorious reputation. The AP reports that those in prison in Russia can experience “physical and psychological pressure, sleep deprivation, insufficient food, health care that is poor or simply denied, and a dizzying set of arbitrary rules.”

Given this, it’s understandable that a little time in the Russian clink could make you go a bit insane. That might explain what’s happening here.

According to Karelia News, the man in the video is named Dmitry Evdokimov. The video captures an event that happened on May 4th, in which “he climbed out onto the canopy of this house with a cleaver, waved a knife, screamed and made strange movements, frightening those around him.”

The police eventually came and detained him, but let him go after it was found that there was no legal reason to keep holding him. I guess brandishing a knife and screaming at your neighbors is technically legal, just frowned upon.

But who is this guy? Well, per a Russian publication called Совершенно секретно (Top Secret), Evdokimov is a man who had previously been convicted twice for murder.

“According to neighbors, he killed a girl out of jealousy, dragged the body into an elevator and sent it to the top floor, where she was found. He received 9.5 years, and four years after his release, on Christmas Day, he killed his brother,” the article reads.

He sounds great!

While he was meant to be released in 2028, he instead opted to fight in Russia’s ongoing conflict with Ukraine, reducing his prison sentence. Now, he’s out and doing this, apparently.

Most of the sourcing about his antics come from neighborhood rumors, so take this all with a grain of salt, but Karelia News alleges that Evdokimov confirmed that he was on drugs at the time, and that neighbors observed him that same day covered in blood while not wearing any shoes.

Nothing suspicious to see here, boys — just move right along.