In this brave new world, almost all creators, influencers and celebrities have dealt with the issue of parasocial relationships. When it comes to OnlyFans creators, those parasocial relationships can take on an even more sinister edge; the sexual nature of their content can lead some particularly delusional people to believe OF creators are their girlfriends, for example. Rapper Rubi Rose, not to be confused with actor Ruby Rose of Orange is the New Black fame, is intimately familiar with this issue, if her recent post is anything to go by.


On Twitter, Rose shared videos of a slew of messages sent to her by someone saved in her phone as ‘Brandon weird OF fan.’ Throughout dozens of unanswered messages, Brandon pleads with Rose to answer him as he is in love with her; he asks her why she won’t answer him and why she won’t love him despite the fact that he’s poured thousands of dollars into their ‘relationship.’ Highlights include, “I cherished every second I was with you, I adore you. You are the reason I wake up every morning, I have no purpose without you. You are my rock,” and lengthy messages written in all caps screaming at her for ignoring him, as well as messages offering to send her $400,000 worth of bitcoin.

The messages end with a video and series of photos of a tattoo on Brandon’s leg of Rose’s face, as well as photos of Brandon getting the tattoo. According to his message to Rose, the tattoo took almost 3 hours, and the results are… mediocre at best - the tattoo bears little resemblance to Rose.

Understandably, people were concerned, with several people urging Rose to be safe and others asking how Brandon got her phone number in the first place. Some fans even suggested Rose contact the police, since Brandon is veering pretty close to stalker territory, if he hasn’t already entered it.

Meanwhile, others were in hysterics at the fact that this man was down so bad for Rose that he spent $62,000 on her only to be saved in her phone as ‘weird OF fan.’ If Brandon had any self-awareness, I’m sure that would hurt, but he’s probably just excited that she’s acknowledged his existence by tweeting about him.