Thieves are getting better by the day. For example, who could forget the thieves who rappelled into a car dealership to steal nine cars? Sure makes those San Francisco smash-and-grabs seem like a cakewalk!


Now, some more criminals have taken this idea and upped the ante. Instead of hitting a car dealership, they were going to go for a place with a lot of cash. No, not a bank, but the strip club.

According to Fox 5 Atlanta, sometime before 4 a.m. on Monday, two masked intruders broke into Onyx Strip Club through the business’ ceiling. Once inside, they used power tools to gain access to the safe — at which point they nabbed around $250,000 in cash.

The whole crime took about two hours, say police — and somehow, the pair managed to not trip any of the strip-club’s alarms. However, insiders at the club claim that they were caught on several security cameras, which may in time lead to their arrest.

Who knows what these guys are going to do with the money, but given that it was picked up at a strip club, they’re probably going to need to launder it — literally.