In another installment in a long line of incidents featuring rich kids being entitled and bratty, one rich kid recently found himself in a stand-off with Florida Fish & Wildlife Officers after causing a disturbance at a local restaurant while on board his father’s yacht.


The kid in question, whose name is Luis Barrios and who claims to be an influencer thanks to the 44,000 Instagram followers he has, was arrested after harassing staff at a Florida Keys restaurant and threatening to have police fed to alligators. Fortunately, the entire ordeal was caught on camera for accountability — and everyone’s amusement.

Police were called to the Sunset Grille in Marathon, Florida because Barrios and his friends were drunk and disorderly, swearing loudly, causing a disturbance and bothering patrons. After police were called, Barrios and company fled on his father’s yacht, but not before leaving a threatening message on the restaurant’s voicemail.

Police then headed to the Barrios home, where they failed to find Luis but instead found neighbors who described him as a spoiled brat and said things like, “Something’s gotta be done about that kid.” Soon enough, Luis himself turned up, attempting to moor the boat behind his house before leaving and returning three minutes later, insisting the officers call his dad.

As the cameras were rolling, Luis can be heard shouting all manner of nonsense, including, “I have anxiety because of this; I’ve been diagnosed with paranoia,” threatening to spit in an officer’s face, bragging that his dad will just buy him a new boat tomorrow and telling one officer, “You’re the type of person I feed to alligators in the Everglades. I hope an alligator eats you.”

He has been charged with trespass, second-degree disorderly conduct and attempting to elude a law enforcement officer by vessel. It remains to be seen whether his dad will be able to buy his son’s way out of this particularly sticky situation.