How seriously should we take children's sports? If your kid has a chance at making the big leagues, I guess you can take it seriously, and sure, even if they don't have a shot at making it a career, there are some great lessons kids can learn from inside the lines of a game. But what about the refs?


Well, according to one video shared on Twitter by @Tyler_Polumbus, referees are taking the game much more seriously than the rest of us, coming to blows during a 4th-grade basketball tournament. 

We don't why the refs came to blows (as they are on the same side), but maybe one of them made a bad call leading them to get flack from the parents. Or maybe it's some off-court drama that spilled over into the lines? Whatever these guy's beef is, we hoped they squashed it because it's the fourth period and this is a gold medal match.  

You know what they say, those who can't do teach and those who can't play, referee.