Surgery requires a steady hand and a clear head. Crystal meth does not provide either of those things. Still, that hasn’t stopped one Florida plastic surgeon from getting his hands on some ice — all while continuing his practice.


Dr. William Wright Adams is a plastic surgeon based in St. Petersburg. His website says that he has over 25 years of experience “changing lives,” and in one testimonial, a client says that his work “gave me 15 years back.”

Now, we may know where all that youthful energy is coming from. According to Tampa Bay’s ABC Action News, Adams has been arrested twice for methamphetamine possession since 2020. The most recent time, the cops managed to catch it on video.

Throughout the video, Adams can be heard telling officers that he’s got to get to his office because he’s about to perform surgery. The officers counter by telling him that he’s under arrest (and, though this isn’t made explicit, it’s got to be darn near impossible to do surgery in handcuffs).

While this arrest is good enough, the details of Adams’ first arrest are even more hilarious. Per a 2020 police report, Adams was first caught with meth after security found it as he was *going through security at a courthouse*. I know meth kills brain cells, but c’mon.

So why was Adams pulled over this time around? It turns out, it doesn’t have anything to do with crystal meth at all. Instead, Adams is a suspect in a burglary case, as “a co-defendant in the case told police ‘Adams hired him’ to burglarize an ex-boyfriend’s home.” Sounds like a stand-up guy!

There are a ton of other terrifying details from the ABC Action News report, ranging from the fact that his home had more than 40 calls to 911 in two years to the curious detail that his license is still active (though he posted on Instagram that he plans to retire). That said, if meth is what he needs to do a good tummy tuck, maybe we’ve just got to let him cook.