Over the past several weeks, WaterTok – a section of TikTok dedicated to crafting extravagantly flavored water creations – has transformed from a niche community of those looking to up their hydration to the platform’s biggest debate.


Relying on powders and flavored syrups to create several sweet concoctions, including “pina colada” water, “banana split” water, and even “pink wedding cake” water, WaterTok has sparked fierce debate among those who swear that flavored water helps them stay hydrated and those slamming it as glorified juice.

At the center of the debate is Tonya Spanglo. Better known by her username @takingmylifebackat42, Spagalo has emerged as WaterTok’s latest rising star and most controversial figure.

Taking to the platform to share her water concoctions on a near daily basis, Spanglo’s clips have amassed millions of views and thousands of comments respectively commending her for her helpful hints – “You have made weight loss exciting for me,” wrote @jordanalexisxo beneath one of her videos – and slamming her concoctions as “NOT WATER ,” to quote @deejaydanip.

“It’s just taken off and it is crazy,” she recently told Fast Company, of WaterTok’s divisive popularity.

Yet, Spanglo’s apparent love for flavored water began long before her TikTok stardom. After undergoing weight loss surgery, Spanglo said she began looking for ways to up her water intake, a task she’d long found challenging.

“I just I have never been a water drinker,” Spanglo said. “The protein goal I didn’t have a problem with. Vitamins, the exercise daily, no problem. The water, I could not meet my water goal.”

As such, adding flavors, like her personal favorite of banana and birthday cake, made staying hydrated a whole lot easier, an approach she reiterated is in alignment with her dietician, surgeon, and nutritionists’ advice.

“It’s just a little water recipe,” Spanglo said. “I respect your opinion, respectfully, as long as you respect mine.”