After last week’s congressional hearing where U.S. lawmakers grilled TikTok’s CEO on the companies connecting to China, where they asked questions about how WiFi works and fell prey to fake misinformation campaigns, such as ‘Nyquil Chicken’, people are reliving some of their favorite moments from the app in preparation for a ban, which honestly, probably won’t ever happen.


Though it’s unclear how, exactly, the government will proceed this time around (and if they’ve spent any time on the internet since 2003) one thing is for certain — TikTok, for as long as it may exist, is a glorious app, filled with glorious shitposts.

From the biiiiig stretches of medieval stretching racks to ridiculously horny trains, here are some of the most absurd TikToks to watch before the app may or may not vanish into the digital ether.