Sometimes we don't need all the context for a video to make it great, as there are some things that translate across cultures and languages without a word needed to be spoken. And that is very much the case with this group of pickpockets who were tormented by an angry man and his dildo of justice. 


What we do know is that the video comes to us from Russia. As made clear by the people in the video speaking Russian. As the caption on the video which has been shared to r/PiublicFreakOut notes, the four women are pickpockets. What we don't know is where this man got his dildo and why he decided it was the best tool to use to serve some much-needed dildo-justice. That, we'll leave open to interpretation. 

As the top comment makes note, these thieving women were "penile-ized" for their crimes, though without proper due processing or a jury of their peers. 

Though does it matter? Isn't a little wonton justice alright when the justice being served is so hilarious? Whatever the case may be, and whether these women faced any real time behind bars is beside the point, we can all agree that watching the dildo-crusader beat justice into these thieves is pleasure enough.