Humans are pretty messed up, nobody's denying that, however, some fairly simple research on animals reveals that human nature isn't all THAT strange when compared to our “animal” counterparts. After a viral TikTok video posed the question "Why are we the only creatures not living by the laws of nature?" the internet was quick to correct that incorrect assumption.
We decided to follow up on these claims, and Lo and behold, animals get up to some pretty f**ked up things as well.
Cats eat their babies.
This is 100% true. Although somewhat uncommon, a mother will eat her babies if the baby is sick, infected, stillborn, or a threat to the rest of her litter.
Penguins engage in necrophilia.

Penguins are total perverts. But especially the male Adélie penguin. They are known to have sex with the frozen corpses of penguins past. Bodies from the previous mating season are fair game to these penguins.
Ducks get bored and resort to cannibalism.
Cannibalism is a trait that most commonly develops in ducklings over 4 weeks old. Theories state that yes, boredom could be one cause but that overcrowding of the duckling population is also a factor.
Otters are interspecies necrophiliacs.
Otters aren't the cute and furry animals you see in cartoons. They are super aggressive, and males are known to drown females and continue having sex with their corpses. They are also known to attack and rape other species. Absolutely terrifying.
Dolphins purposely commit crimes.
Maybe 'committing crimes' is a stretch, but dolphins are smart enough to understand morality. It's been said that they know the difference between right and wrong, and they will intentionally choose the path of deviancy.
Monkeys will shake their boners at each other.
Abso-freaking-lutely. Proboscis Monkeys will show off their rock hard members in order to ward off other monkeys and/or predators.
Scorpions shed then die of constipation.
Shedding is a misleading term here. If you're referring to molting, then it's very unlikely for scorpions to die during this process. However, scorpions have been known to cut off their own tail as a decoy to escape from a predator. The issue being that the wound heals, sealing off their anus. For about 8 months, poop literally fills their body until they explode.
Fruit flies have massive orgies.
Yup. Anytime you see a group of fruit flies around your food or swarming around your face, it's safe to assume they are banging. It's pretty disgusting but hey, that's the circle of life.
So the next time you start to think “Dang, humans are really terrible to each other”, feel free to remind yourself that animals are just as messed up as we are, if not more.