Move over, Limp Bizkit — there’s a new Hot Dog Flavored Water in town.


Proving once again that our society has completely jumped the shark, 7-Eleven recently announced that it would be debuting a new line of sparkling waters. The flavors include Lemon Lime, Green Apple, Sweet Orange and… Hot Dog.

“The Big Bite Hot Dog Sparkling Water combines the delicious and mouthwatering experience of 7-Eleven’s iconic Big Bite Hot Dog into one refreshing beverage — ketchup and mustard included,” the press release reads. “Gone are the days of alternating bites of a hot dog with sips of a beverage, now those on the go can swap the bun for bubbles.”

To be clear, there’s always a chance that this is an early April Fool’s joke. A telling line in the press release is that, while the rest of the seltzer lineup is available right now, “More details on the availability of this flavor will be revealed on April 1.” You can’t fool me, 7-Eleven!

Further evidence for this theory is the fact that the can shown in all the images totally differs in appearance from the others in the same line. You’d think if they were actually rolling out this product, they’d make everything look the same, right? Then again, who the hell would roll out such a product?

However, even if this announcement is a joke, they’ve now piqued the interest of numerous internet users who are desperate to try some bubbly hot dog water. Your move, 7-Eleven — either make the hot dog water real, or I’ll be forced to par-boil a frankfurter in my SodaStream.