Everyone knows that the house always wins.


Usually, this is more of a figure of speech than a literal declaration. Yes, if you gamble, you’re more likely to lose than to win, but the games themselves are, as best as they can be, controlled to give you the ever-so-slightest chance to actually make it home with the big bucks.

That is, unless this woman is your dealer.

In the video above, the dealer pulls a 2 and a 3, then an 8. Math geniuses out there may know that this equals 13. She then pulls another card, a 3. We’re up to 16 — this means the dealer must draw again. She does, and pulls an 8. That’s 24. Oof, tough luck, lady.

Wait, is it? The dealer freezes, citing technical difficulties. Apparently her card scanner didn’t read the card. No big deal, you might think. Just scan the card and give us our money! Well, she does scan the card, and somehow comes to the conclusion that she’s actually scored 21. Sorry, players, better luck next time — the end title card says that the dealer has won the game.

It appears that some issue with the card scanner caused this screwup, though it’s unclear if they ever rectified the situation. I’ve reached out to Stake and Evolution, who appear to run this stream, if they ever made good with the participants. They haven’t gotten back to me yet, but if they do, I’ll be sure to update.

For the time being, the message is clear: Don’t get into gambling — unless you’re the house. Then you can call 21s all day!