You think the morning commute can’t get much worse, and then this happens. As this video shows, drivers on Interstate 80 near the San Francisco-Oakland border had their daily drives interrupted not by a road-rage incident, but by a person-rage incident. Specifically, a naked woman — holding a gun.


Per the Los Angeles Times, “The woman stopped her white vehicle, which was straddling lanes of traffic, and exited with a knife, according to officers. She yelled at nearby drivers, returned to her car and continued on her route.”

It’s not clear when she took her clothes off, but, ya know, she did. She then stopped her car again, letting her freak flag fly by emerging completely nude and carrying a gun.

From here, the woman unloaded the gun in full on passersby. Thankfully, she was such a bad (or good?) shot that she managed to miss every single person. No injuries were reported, but there may have been some unreported vehicle damage, making for some very interesting insurance claims.

“Officers arrested the woman without incident after she dropped the gun,” notes the Los Angeles Times. “The unidentified woman was taken to a local hospital for a medical and psychiatric evaluation.”

The woman was later identified as Sequoia Dunkinsell. She was eventually charged with “four counts of brandishing a firearm, three counts of assault with a semiautomatic firearm and one count each of shooting at an occupied vehicle, making criminal threats, negligent discharge of a firearm, possession of a loaded firearm and reckless driving,” per a different Los Angeles Times piece.

No word yet if she’s been convicted, but she apparently pleaded not guilty. Respect.