Several red-eye passengers were seeing red — for reasons beyond sleep deprivation — earlier this month, after one kid decided to turn the cabin into their own personal rave.


As fellow passengers aboard the airplane attempted to get some sleep, the cabin lights dimmed to a properly snooze-worthy level, a young traveler decided it was time to party, whipping out a fuzzy, light-up rabbit hat and illuminating the cabin into a makeshift nightclub.

Though it’s unclear how long this light show persisted — and if any of the passengers confronted the child or their parents — several TikTokers sounded off on how they’d react to finding themselves unwitting guests of honor at an accidental airplane party.

Alongside several professions of insanity — “I would lose my mind,” wrote @toby_zindelar — others avowed to make the flight a memorable experience for the kid in question.

“Life lessons would be taught on that flight,” added @kallyyybee.

But all anger aside, at least this kid knew how to pass the time. We’ll drink (a miniature bottle of wine that costs like $50) to that.