The man below either has a death wish or a complete disregard for any sense of consequence. No matter which one it is, I must salute him.


The scene is set perfectly. We see the police car stopped at a red light, with the camera zooming in to build anticipation. Then, the very second the light turns green, dude lays down on the horn. This isn’t just a casual little beep, either — my man puts his weight into that horn, only letting up after a few seconds. Let’s just say it’s fitting that the video is accompanied by TikTok’s standard “Participating in this activity could result in you or others getting hurt” warning label.

The video cuts off before we see the cop’s reaction. What happened next? Nobody knows. The dude posted the video four days ago and hasn’t posted anything since, so let’s hope that things turned out okay for him.

Commenters were quick to note the user’s bravery.

“To a cop is crazy,” wrote one.

“Out of the places he does this in Aurora,” added another.

“Aurora police bro is trying to die,” echoed a third.

Many clearly didn’t get the bit, chiding our dear friend for hitting the horn so early. Sorry you can’t understand the idea of a cool, life-threatening prank!

I hate to do this, but to be a bit of a buzzkill, there is a member of the Aurora Police Department who has the same name as the TikToker, Ramiro Guerrero-Torres. It’s more than likely that this is just a case of cop-on-cop honking. I know, very sad. But hey — if it’s safe for a cop, it’s also safe for you, right? Go on, try this prank for yourself!

Note: Please do not actually try this prank for yourself.