A group of Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Police officers decided to show the world just how massive their d**ks are this past weekend, whipping out their guns and aggressively arresting non-violent climate demonstrators for committing the heinous crime of blocking a road leading to the site of the Burning Man festival.


Centered around “capitalism’s inability to address climate and ecological breakdown,” as well as Burning Man’s “apolitical stance” on several topics, a group of cops were having none of the protesters’ message, arresting the demonstrators after brandishing their guns.

“I’m gonna take all of you out, you better move,” one official said while speeding towards the demonstrators — all associated with Seven Circles, a self-described “coalition of activist organizations” — in his large white truck.

Despite one protester’s repeated cries that they were “nonviolent,” the officers were evidently terrified by the eco-conscious group, whipping out their weapons and demanding they all get down.

“Get on the ground, now!” one yelled, his gun pointed towards the demonstrators below.

Even as one Seven Circles member reiterated their lack of arms — “we have no weapons at all! We’re environmental protesters,” she said — they remained undeterred in the mission of teaching the big, bad hippies a lesson.

“STOP RESISTING!” yelled another cop, despite sitting atop one protester’s back.

The group were all ultimately arrested for “trespassing on tribal land.”

So here’s to the Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribal Police officers — they really showed those nonviolent protesters the dangers of exercising their First Amendment rights!