Despite boasting 223 million-odd subscribers, $7.9 billion in revenue and a *definitely not bullying related* pullback of their controversial password-sharing crackdown, the overlords at Netflix simply couldn’t afford a translator while selecting the title for their latest children’s flick, inadvertently naming it after a dirty Spanish word.  


Set to hit the streamer next month, Chupa tells the tale of a young midwestern boy who befriends a vampiric mythical creature known as a chupacabra nicknamed Chupa while visiting family in Mexico, a wholesome, feel-good movie directed and co-written by famed Mexican filmmaker Jonás Cuarón.

The only problem? The word “chupa” directly translates to “suck’ — including *that* kind of sucking — a sentiment several Spanish speakers quickly flagged on social media.

“Imagine the sheer amount of people this title went through at @netflix all the way to the ‘release promo movie poster’ for no one to tell them that you can’t shorten the word ‘chupacabra’ with ‘chupa’ because it literally means ‘to suck off,’” mused poet Vanessa Angélica Villarreal in a viral Twitter post that has since garnered upwards of 2 million views.  

“Like kids should not google this word,” she continued before describing the film as “a kids movie … about a terrifying demon …that is actually nice … with a porn title (?)” in a subsequent reply.

Though as some noted, “chupa” can be used in a variety of less-NSFW contexts, including the wildly-popular Spanish candy brand Chupa Chups as well as the term chupacabra itself, which literally translates to 'goat-sucker' in reference to its vampire-like lore, naming children’s movie “suck” is still a pretty bold choice, especially considering its possible spicy connotations.

“Evidently, either no one at Netflix speaks Spanish or Portuguese, or some pervy dweeb thought this was funny," they continued, noting that “’Chupa’ means ‘suck’ and colloquially refers to blow jobs more than anything else.”

Now if you’ll excuse us, we’ll be determining who we need to chupa at Netflix to get them to change this weird ass title.