At this point he’s just stunting on us.


MrBeast has a lot of money. So much, in fact, that he appears to not know exactly what to do with it. For example, he once decided to just lock a man in a supermarket to see what would happen — sure, the guy got paid at the end, but doesn’t this sound like the actions of a mad man? I guess we should just be thankful that he has no desire to hunt The Most Dangerous Game.

Now, he’s running with money. For some reason.

As this video shows, it’s really difficult to run with $100,000. Not as difficult as it is to *make* $100k, but, you know, difficult.

Why is MrBeast doing this? Views, obviously — people love things involving money, which is why half of his videos have titles like “Whoever Can Cut Their Dick Off the Fastest Gets $200k.”

There’s no doubt he does good things as well, such as helping 1,000 blind people see for the first time (and somehow pissing people off in the process). But I’m just saying that this kind of money-focused content *probably* isn’t good for our society — as MrBeast himself is slowly realizing.